LASIK—All You Need To Know!

laser eye surgery in Kuwait

This laser eye surgery has proven to be a miracle for people with eye sight issues. LASIK is an abbreviation for Laser in-situ keratomileusis, and helps people with myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism, get to be able to correct their vision. The need for laser eye surgery in Kuwait rises when the light that falls in the eye is unable to focus on the retina the right way and makes the vision vague and blurry. In medical terminology, this is known as a refractive error.

LASIK surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist using laser beam to reshape the cornea of the eye in order to let light focus on the retina at the back of the eye which does the image creating part inside while capturing the light focused by the lens.

During LASIK Surgery

Laser eye surgery usually takes around 20 minutes on the whole. In order to start the surgery, the eye specialist will begin with preparing you and your eye for it. The first step involves numbing the eyes using certain eye drops that will free you of any sort of sensation or feel.
Next step will be that the specialist will use a special instrument known as microkeratome or femtosecond laser to create a thin flap in the cornea. After peeling that flap they will use another type of laser to reshape the tissue present under it, whose inappropriate positioning previously had been causing the eye sight issue. Finishing off the surgery by placing the thin flap back again.

Mostly people who have had LASIK surgery will start showing recovery within a few days of surgery, and many will be experiencing a better vision too. However, in case of any unusual experiencing, you must consult your doctor immediately.

What Happens Next?

You may experience dry eyes after the surgery for which the doctor will prescribe you eye drops to keep them moist. Those drops will also help in preventing the chances of you developing any sort of inflammation or infection.
A follow-up with the doctor will be in line a day or two after the surgery
Your doctor might also give you a plastic sheet to use while sleeping along with restricting you from taking hot baths for at least 2 weeks of getting the surgery.

Various Advantages Of LASIK

Laser eye surgery in Kuwait has been used since several decades now treating eye sight issues in people with high number of success rates. Besides the fact that by acquiring laser eye surgery the user can go contacts-free, it also gives these benefits to the user
·         the user does not have to bear too much pain, as the surgery does not involve incision using scalpel or other tools, but is simply done with the help of laser beams
·         the user does not have to get stitches after surgery
·         high possibility of the surgery being a success
·         vision can be adjusted by the specialist as a person ages

People Who Should Not Get LASIK Surgery

LASIK is a bad idea if you
·         are expecting
·         are nursing
·         have eye condition issues like dry eyes or glaucoma
·         have been diagnosed with various vision issues lately
·         have health issues like lupus, diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis
·         are less than 18 years old
·         have got uneven or very thin corneas
·         are taking certain type of medications
